Sweetest Day???? And, HOW did wedding anniversaries get to be OK and not birthdays??? ARGHHH! Sorry, I have not looked at a school brochure in 20 yrs, slept or zoned during any child or parent oriented meeting and have no idea on this. Thank you much!!!
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
What the heck do JWs find wrong with Mother's Day, Father's Day,
by White Waves insweetest day????
and, how did wedding anniversaries get to be ok and not birthdays???
by I-follow-the-narrow-path inso i was invited to an assembly by my jw teacher .
i think i will be pretty bored and feel out of place.
it is a 3 day assembly this summer and the jw said they were to invite everyone (interested).
White Waves
The prospect of never being in a healthy relationship, living as a single person indefinitely is so depressing, many JW women keep tolerating the abuse. After a while, I believed I was incapable of being alone until the abuse reached a new level and my life was at stake. That coupled with the JW "rule" that 2 must witness the offense, husband is the authority in a marriage and strongly discouraging any involvement of police, hospitals, or anything that could "shame the organization" the abuse went on a long time. How would I be treated after I left my abusive husband? I am the bad one. I left. I can't tell anyone what he did or why I left because then I would be punished. My husband acted so sad and "woe as me" crap that it was truly disgusting. That coupled with the fact of his stalking and harrassment (against restraining orders) was viewed by JW elders and others as his sincere attempt to patch things up and I, again, was the bad one for not trying harder and letting him do as he pleased. I was not allowed to call police for these violations, again - shame on the organization and my foolishly listening to these elders and not my safety.It is not just the sheltering of abusers in this cult that should concern you, it is the fact this religion empowers the husband to take control and manipulate the wife's life in so many ways that she can lose her identity, all freedom of choice. The wife will be treated in the congregation as her husband or the elders chose to portray her - not for who she truly is or wishes she could be. Some men are drawn to this religion solely for these reasons. They want to control and dominate a spouse and have a religion to enforce it. Others find it easy to fall into that pattern because of the emphasis that is put on the man's place over women and the realization that they are virtually untouchable when it comes to being stopped if becomes physical/verbal abuse because it does happen privately and even marks and broken bones can be excused away as from another source or accidental or even "her misconception or fault." My experience at 2 congregations and a multitude of Elders is that the abuse if felt to be the woman's fault. That a relationship can always work out if the woman tries hard enough. Trust me, there is never enough to be given to stop an abuser.
A husband outside the JWs will mean the wife will rarely, if ever be invited anywhere. That is, if you are not disfellowshipped or reproved for being with an outsider. If this couple has children, these children will also be seen as tainted by their "worldly" father and not as good as those children from an "all JW family."
Think about what you want out of life. You are young and have time - do not limit yourself in so many ways!! The more doors you keep open the better chance for you to fully find yourself and your happiness. WW
Do you love or hate to cook?
by averyniceguy in.
i hate to cook, i need someone to cook for me.
White Waves
I love to cook but need to do so in my own kitchen. I can't go to someone's home and get anything to work out. The open-concept of my home allows me to watch TV while I cook and not be isolated from the occasional guest. I especially like the TV when I am baking or making a time-consuming meal.
Does this make me an apostate?
by under_believer intoday i had reason to enter a hospital.
nothing serious, just a doctor appointment.
as i was walking through the enclosed entryway (it was one of those affairs with a revolving door at one end and double doors at the other,) i saw the spanish-language watchtower and awake!
White Waves
Lisa - I'll have to print some of stickers like that - great idea. www.silentlambs.com has some free brochures that can be printed (tri-fold) and put in place of JW literature. I have a difficult time with this site but when I find these, I plan to print a few for special spots in my neck-of-the-woods.
I've had it. I want to DA myself
by White Waves inbut i am afraid to send a letter to my old kh.
what should i write to make sure they don't just df me?
also, they refused my request to da myself before.
White Waves
I really like the idea of writing the letter to the elder body AND congregation families. That way, I know the truth will be known about this elder body, my loser family and my husband (divorce final in july!!!!) will not look so perfect anymore. I will work on the letter and gather the needed adresses. I feel empowered already!!!
What kind of thing do you want right now but cannot afford it right now?
by averyniceguy infor me, i would like to have a leather recliner from rooms to go.
what about you?
White Waves
Dr. Jekyll - You so read my mind. I have always dreamed of a real-life shark adventure. For some reason, I lack fear in this regard. Is the cage really necessary? I figure I'd try the cage first and see if I can go in without one next if all goes well. Hopefully the trip would include colorful coral reefs. I'd also like a 4W ATV for the more rural areas near me. Makes for a great day of exploration. There are ATV trails and then hiking paths.
Latest KM encourages JWs to ask for referrals
by ocsrf in.
i thought i was reading one my sales manuals from work.
so much of what the watchtower does is right out of any companies sales training manuals.. oc
White Waves
Just like "friends" that sign me up for telemarketing calls, give out my e-mail address to sales people, etc., I think these bible students would want the $20 off next bill or free give of your choice option. Maybe they can use the give to beg forgiveness from the friend they set up for stalking by a JW.
No, really, this WILL make you laugh out loud!
by sf incan riches make you happy?
what is the relationship between money and happiness?
do you think that riches would make you happy?.
White Waves
Of course the Borg wants us to avoid anything that could bring us sudden riches or accumulating them. They know we will feel better giving the riches to the WBTS!! Living check to check, serving the borg makes many dependent on them. Don't forget the WBTS in your will!!! To hell with your family, etc. Give it all to the borg. God will bless you.
REPOST: For mothers who have lost a child
by Lady Lee inon mother's day we often forget those who are mother's but never had the chance to hold their child.
some because they chose to give their child up for adoption.
others because of miscarriage or stillbirth.
White Waves
BizzyBee, I am so sorry for your loss. I have had 2 miscarriages, 2nd trimester, and can not carry a child to term. Yet I can get pregnant so I must be careful. I have accepted that and hope for my boyfriend's stepchildren or nieces to bring babies into my life one day. Thank you, Lady Lee, for making me feel like I matter on this day. I never included myself before. Everyone has said I would have made a wonderful mother... I will think about the children I have influenced and cared for in my younger years as sibling and babysitter for now and be hopeful towards the future. WW
check out what this Baptist pastor did to a kid who alleged sexual abuse
by under_believer inhttp://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-spank12.html .
boggles my mind...
White Waves
Sick, sick bastard... child finds strength to speak up only to be abused again. Hope the system doesn't fail her too. WW